
General Information

Full Name Damian Barabonkov
Phone +49 1522 2600 341
Address Strassburger Str 7g, Berlin, Germany, 10405
Programming Python C C++ Golang OCaml Haskell
Languages English, Bulgarian, German, Spanish, Russian


  • 2020 - 2021 Cambridge, MA, USA
    Masters of Engineering (MEng)
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Computer Science
    • Masters Thesis
      • Guarda — A web application firewall for WebAuthn transaction authentication
    • GPA 5.0/5.0
  • 2016 - 2020 Cambridge, MA, USA
    Bachelor of Science
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Computer Science and Engineering
    • GPA 4.9/5.0


  • 2021 - present Berlin, DE
    Software Engineer
    QuantCo Inc.
    • Project: Lead client-facing machine learning product
      • Project interactively displays machine learning predictions to client
      • Collaborate and coordinate with multi-disciplinary team of product, engineering and UI talent
      • Factor in client feedback when developing product
      • Orchestrate containerized backend systems to ensure high availability and correctness of service
      • Test rigorously with various levels of staging environments before pushing to production
    • Project: Develop internal feature engineering framework
      • Framework handles feature engineering of pricing and risk-assessment models for two large German car insurers forming 5% of total market share
      • Increased productivity of data scientists using framework with a near 10x performance gain when performing incremental feature computations
      • Profiled existing code to address performance pain points
      • Diagnose, isolate, report and resolve bugs throughout the entire tech stack
      • Open-source contributions to Python packages: Pandas, Numpy, Kartothek
    • Project: groupstorm — open-source, hyper-fast and flexible DataFrame group by
      • Implements group by and aggregation operations with benchmarked 479x the speed of `Pandas`
      • Dropped development latency of data scientists from ~30 minutes down to less than a minute
    • Project: conda-comply — open-source software license compliance checker
      • Automates error-prone process of asserting software license compliance of company's software products
      • Alleviates need for complicated and cumbersome licensing training for the engineers
      • Improves the company's copyright compliance and legal conformity
    • Project: Automate recruiting coding challenge takehome submissions
      • Streamlined engineering recruiting workflow by automating coding challenge submissions
      • Improves the company's security and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance
  • 2020 Karlsruhe, DE (remote)
    Machine Learning Engineer
    QuantCo Inc.
    • Project: Optimize data pipelines of Python machine learning framework
      • Profiled existing code to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks
      • Improved speed of pipelines by 470% in best cast and 115% in worst case
      • Contributed to Python language codebase and Joblib Python library
      • Led active communication to ensure efficient development velocity
  • 2019 Singapore, SG
    Supply Chain Researcher
    Singapore — MIT Alliance for Research and Technology
    • Project: Design mixed integer programming model to optimize redistribution strategies for dockless bike sharing within Singapore
      • Employed statistical processes and mixed integer programming for optimization to find best redistribution configurations
      • Submitted publication to Transportation Research Board (TRB) journal
      • Accepted and exhibited as a poster presentation at TRB conference
      • Collaborated in a team of three members respective of strengths and abilities
  • 2018 Menlo Park, CA, USA
    Performance and Capacity Engineer
    Facebook Inc.
    • Project: Engineer existing profiler to measure additional performance metrics
      • Aggregated database usage metrics from affected services across Facebook
      • Tuned database utilization of production services in order to improve performance with large cost-saving consequences

Open Source Projects

  • 2023
    • Check conda environment dependencies for compliance with permissive, copyleft or other user-defined license sets
  • 2023
    • A hyper-fast library in Python to group candidate DataFrame rows against every row in a reference DataFrame according to user-supplied constraints
  • 2022 Total downloads for the project
    • A framework which hides away all of the complexity and repetitiveness that comes with testing Algorand Smart Contracts
  • 2021
    • A proxy firewall prototype for RESTful services to easily support WebAuthn two-factor authentication

Teaching Engagements

  • 2021 Undergrad Course
    Computability and Complexity Theory (6.045)
    • Teaching Assistant with office hours, recitation and assignment duties
    • Co-created entire year's curriculum of homework assignments and exams
  • 2020 Graduate Course
    Theory of Computation (18.404)
    • Teaching Assistant with office hours, recitation and assignment duties
  • 2019 Undergrad Course
    Software Performance Engineering (6.172)
    • Curriculum Developer with task to redesign first of four lab assignments
    • Lab assignment still in active use
  • 2019 Undergrad Course
    Computation Structures (6.004)
    • Lab Assistant with office hours duties
  • 2018 Undergrad Course
    Software Performance Engineering (6.172)
    • Teaching Assistant with office hours and assignment duties
  • 2018 Undergrad Course
    Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (8.02)
    • Teaching Assistant with office hours and assignment duties
  • 2017 Summer Bootcamp
    Global Startup Labs: Russia
    • Technical Assistant with teaching, office hours and lab duties

Academic Interests

  • Computer Systems
    • Performance Engineering
    • Distributed Systems
    • Computer Systems Security
    • Operating Systems
  • Theory of Computation
    • Computability Theory
    • Complexity Theory

Personal Interests

  • Sports and Athletics: Cycling, Inline Skating, Weight Training
  • Arts and Culture: Language Learning, Latin Dance, Travel
  • Favorite Reads: Crime and Punishment, The Master and Margarita, All Quiet on the Western Front